Post 4: A Time Travel to the Future

To many people it is an interesting question, but for me, it is not that much, but if I have to choose, I would go everywhere at the end of time, because I wonder what will remain, for example matter or a society, or maybe everything just collapses itself.

I surely prefer not to stay at the end of time because if I stay at that moment technically it would not be the end of time, well that is what I think, but I am not quite sure about this, because I have little knowledge about physics.

And why not other moment or even go to the past, that is because it does not give me that interest, like to know what happens or remains at the end. On the other hand, an album by the name "everywhere at the end of time" gave me the idea, When I read the topic of the blog, the album just popped in my head, and I said to myself "that's not a bad idea", it is a conceptual album about Alzheimer and dementia, and I have listened to the start, but I did not spend the 30 minutes listening because the album is 6 hours long, and it gets weirder when it starts to move along until it is just nothing literally nothing, no noises. That will be for today's post.


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