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Post 5: Changes My Study Programme

I have always questioned the duration of the careers in Chile, this because if you see the same career but in other countries, you will notice that the amount of time they put into a major or career is way less than in Chile, at least that is what I have seen, so yeah that will be the first change I would make in most careers in Chile.  On the other hand, I would introduce a better system to recover the opinion of the students about the professors, this to improve the quality of the teaching by being more direct with the students about the professors. One of the most important changes I would make it would be about the annual subjects, with this I mean to make every subject to be imparted every semester, I know it is a difficult thing to do, but it is something I would like to change. It would be nice to have better or at least newer facilities, for example, the laboratories, I remember the first time I entered a laboratory, one of my thoughts was “it looks old and dirty”, and because

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